matching matching
I thought it would be neat to see what ingredients match up with other ingredients, sort of a "if i have flour and butter what is my best next purchase?", but since some ingredients are just so damn...
View Articlewall street journal
Snacksby got an ever-so-brief mention in the Wall Street Journal today, if you'd like to check it out try page D6. If you'd like to check it out without buying a copy you're in big trouble, because...
View Articletwo (2)
There's been a lot of radio silence recently. Why? I've been working hard! Two big things are coming to Snacksby. One of them is a TLA. The other one will live on your Google homepage. And I'm telling...
View Article1and1
Remember this name: 1and1. Why? Because they're the hosting provider that makes Snacksby die all of the time. All of the time. This morning we were out from about 6:30 or so until almost noon. I'm...
View ArticleSnacksby API! Google Homepage Module!
Heeyyyyooooo here comes some new Snacksby new stuff ice cream van! First up we've got a REST API, with all kinds of ingredient/recipe/tag search functionality. Develop some stuff for it or let me know...
View ArticleArticle 19
It isn't even 10 a.m. 4 pm and i've made twothree one billion improvements!il primo: User request to make it so you can't add duplicate items to your pantry. Done! Now if two Snacksby can figure out...
View Articlerecipes and blogs have never been better bedfellows
Like to blog about your recipes? We've got a new tool to help you do just that! The Recipe Droplet lets you store your recipes in Snacksby and then with the press of a couple buttons plug them right...
View ArticleArticle 17
....i broke substitutions while making other things better. they'll be back soon enough! update: back.
View ArticleSnacksby, yahoo'd to the nines?
Just found out Snacksby is featured on today's The 9, a Yahoo newscasty internetty kind of thing ("it’s like Internet Talk Soup!"). We're #6, which means we beat out skateboarding, william shatner and...
View Articlei hate 1and1 and their horrible customer support.
I woke up to the server being crashed, again, and so now snacksby has been down for 9 hours when all 1and1 needs to do is press the reset button. I've wasted over an hour being on the phone with...
View Articleingredient elimination diet thing!
Now when you're searching for recipes by what ingredients you've got you can specify what ingredients you'd like to not include, which is good for people with culinary restrictions (food allergies,...
View Articleshopping lists + recipe box + sorting + other things
Your recipe box is now perfectly incredible. You can now sort it into different lists, and get a shopping list for each one of them! Plan meals for the week, for a dinner party, for whatever - this is...
View Articlewhat? what? what? what's that?
Sorry for the radio silence, this crazy thing called "Real Life" sometimes happens. But now that I'm back, you've got an ignore button! A sort of crappy ignore button, but it's pretty close.Now when...
View Articlekind of neat relationshippy thing
Sick of making one-ingredient substitutions? You can now relate ingredients to one another! Use the 'add relation' link on the ingredient profile page, and you'll be prompted to assign some ingredient...
View Articlevulgar bulghur and other tales
This weekend I was in chicago, my new favorite city on earth since I don't care about foie gras (I do care about pierogies, just in case you were wondering. asparagus/feta/red pepper vareniki? yeah!)....
View Articlevulgar bulghur and other tales
This weekend I was in chicago, my new favorite city on earth since I don't care about foie gras (I do care about pierogies, just in case you were wondering. asparagus/feta/red pepper vareniki? yeah!)....
View Article1:1
Success!: Now when you're inputting a recipe you can do an amazon-supported search to find the cookbook it's from, so it'll pop up with a nice little image when you view the recipe. Aaaaand if someone...
View ArticleWHAT HAPPENED?!?!?
Snacksby minded its manners and studied hard in school, and as a result: SNACKSBY GOT BOUGHT. By Revolution Health Group, specifically. If you thought Snacksby was good before, get out your fancy...
View Articlestop! snacksbytime.
Okay, now for a real post, with much less rah rah gobbleygook. There's actual snacksby news!First off, maybe you didn't notice, but it doesn't quite look the same. That's a pretty boring topic to me...
View ArticleCommunication is the foundation to any good relationship.
You might not believe it, but Snacksby doesn't sit around so we can climb to the top of a mountain and make exclamations about how wonderful it is. Snacksby sits around so you can sit around at the...
View Articlebring out your pens
Courges and courgettes, today I am pleased to announce: SHOPPING LISTS ARE BETTER. Now you can have them subtract out what you've got in your pantry so you don't have to spend forever doing editing...
View Articlebuddha's delight
Rumor has it I'm a vegetarian, and once upon a time I lived with a vegan. Cooking was a character-building experience! Another rumor has it that when I'm scrolling through a list of ten thousand...
View Articlepower to zee people
You people out there - I've looked in through your narrowed eyes, into your dark souls, I know what you hunger for.Social networking stuff.And a journal of a thousand miles starts with a single feature...
View Articlefeeds and callouts
Callouts:Myself, for elbowing a girl in the face on the metro yesterday morningCreate a recipe on the main recipe page!Yeah, that probably isn't very important to you. But hey, I like people adding...
View ArticleJust in time for L.U.N.C.H.
A suprising number of you use the pantry! For the uninitiated: basically you list out what you've got on hand and store it on Snacksby and everything is nice and neat and saved and perfect.But not...
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